BTW there is only one more step needed to be taken to convert soy cheese and margarine into plastic. I'll eat God made food.
I suffer from Morgellons, most Morgellons sufferers are producing plastic (I’m not talking fibers) but actual plastic bits inside thier bodies, strange but true, they are forced up through the skin. All this builds up and some chemical process starts inside the human body, it can be stopped, but you have to move to all natural foods, vegetables, fruits and then do other things, I’m living proof. This is why a Meth user breaks out in lesions and thinks he has bugs crawling all over him, nothing but sheer toxins, and many of them found right in our food supply and we breath all day via BTEX fumes and it’s in our water. When you add up the totality of the toxins we are being exposed to it is taking it’s toll in the forms of many names, but most terrying is Morgellons.