Wouldn’t there be criminal prosecutions for state employees that hid the evidence collected over the years for such abuses?
When the Vatican keeps a running tab on each abuser in power (not the kids hurting kids), keeps them in their position, and keeps it silent, this is grotesquely criminal.
No because the ones that have come to light over the years were out of the time limits on bringing such abuses to light and were the major reason that time limits were changed in many juristrictions but you can’t retroactive laws. You seem to want to attack Catholics an awful lot should we also sensationalize any of the different denominations of Christians that come to light with abuses as a mark againt Christian churches? IIRC the actual numbers of childhood sexual abuses are higher among those churches than in the Catholic church but they don’t seem to get the press that an attack on the Vatican garners.
No. also, the statute of limitations on these crimes was over decades ago. By the time a child grows up and can do anything about it - it is too late.