By the tenor of the post, you're not kidding around as you often do. You're seriously perplexed.
I'm going to act as if the question wasn't rhetorical. Applying critical logic, there can only be variables or combination of variables to explain it.
1. We're insane (unable to employ reason or think rationally).
2. We're foolish (ignorant, uneducated, stupid etc).
3.We're becoming or have already become evil (greedy, covetous, selfish, immoral etc).
When in communion act in such illogical and immoral way, on such a large-scale, macro basis, at least one of the above or some combination of all three has be true. It's just math.
As some here have pointed out, California is the microcosm of where this is all headed. This won't end well.
When *we* in communion.