AMEN, Pillut. I wonder how many Catholics tithe as the Bible tells us to do. They’re great ones to talk about giving. How many of them go on short-term or long-term mission trips? I hope a lot go. Haven’t seen a lot in my area, though. They have to keep up their church’s facade.
This is just too much.
Why conjuecture about what/how/and how much Catholics tithe? You have absolutely no way of knowing and besides, if Catholics are Scripturallly alert and sound they will obey the scriptural admoniition NOT to speak of what/when and how much they tithe.
You can be sure it has always been adequate, because it was the money of individual parishioners that paid for the churches they worship in to be built and the schools that their children attended.
As for missionaries——the history of Catholic missionaries to all corners of the world, to all classes of people is available for all to know. They often gave their lives for their missionary efforts.
To say that you haven’t seen any, or that they “keep up the church’s facade” is simply conjecture.
As for any “missionary” work or outreach, the amount of effort in this regard is usually unheralded and unknown. For example, I live where my parish could basically be considered an “inner city” parish. In our parish alone we have a seniors outreach program, a youth outreach program, a parish food pantry outreach program where we stock food donated from parishioners to give to anyone in our parish boundaries who is hungry and needs food that they can’t pay for. We have a community outreach program. We also have Bible study groups, youth ministries, music ministries, and parishioners who dedicate time and effort to help families through the days of bereavement, burial and memorial services.
There is even more but this will do for starters.
We accept the fact that every one of us is called to a missionary spirit, if nothing more than just by the way we conduct our lives.
To this very day there are missinary priests in countries all over the world-—priests who literally give their lives for this work.
There is so much labeling and false assumptions and hasty judgments and conjecture and guess work and shaky facts presented on this thread. I wonder what ever happened to the commandment admonishing us not to bear false witness.
If something can’t be proved or factually substantiated, it shouldn’t be offered as “truth”.
You wonder “how many Catholics tithe as the Bible tells them to”?
Maybe many, many more than you have any idea.
***AMEN, Pillut. I wonder how many Catholics tithe as the Bible tells us to do. Theyre great ones to talk about giving. How many of them go on short-term or long-term mission trips? I hope a lot go. Havent seen a lot in my area, though. They have to keep up their churchs facade.***
I wonder, too. But we are instructed to perform good works in the cover of night or behind closed doors so that we do not do it for others. The fruits are in our labours. All of the exploration and settling missions done by the Europeans in the Middle Ages and after were accompanied by Catholic clergy. I have been to many lectures and met many of those priests and brothers that continue to labour in Africa, South America, Papua New Guinea and Asia.
We understand correctly about the Great Commission and attempt to perform it as Jesus instructed us.