Sounds like trial and error intelligent human design to me.
No intelligent design at all needed for a proper GA. In fact, all you do is define the problem space! What would be a natural limit for viability/survival of an organism. Just like humans really don’t survive well at the top of Everest, we could say a solution really won’t survive well if its parameters are way out of whack.
It’s a subtle distinction that is hard to grasp until you really use and work with GAs for quite a while.
Oh, and the fact that GAs work SO WELL kind of reinforces the concept of evolution (note that neither GAs nor evolution claim there can’t be a creation event; that is a straw man that you have always thrown up and never refuse to admit is wrong). Just as God kicked everything off, the writer of the GA kicks everything off. The fact the results turn out as they do points to the success of evolution as a process.
Anyway, my faith in my God - the God of Issac, Abraham, and Jacob, who became flesh in the form of Jesus Christ - so shallow that science - the learning of the creation and nature of God - doesn’t shake it. Rather, it reinforces just how elegant the laws of nature and the resulting creation is!