Call me an old fuddy-duddy, but I think that computer graphics design peaked with Windows 2000, and everything in the industry has been downhill since then.
There are just a handful of things I'd change in Windows 2000 [most notable would be moving from a single-threaded GUI/Windows Manager to a multi-threaded GUI/Windows Manager], and some old bugs that I'd like to see fixed once and for all [for insance, it would be really neat if Microsoft would fix that stupid carriage return bug in NOTEPAD.EXE], but other than that, as far as I'm concerned, Windows 2000 is just about the perfect end-user experience.
“Call me an old fuddy-duddy..”
Windows still lacks some useful features after all these years. For example, suppose I would like to print a list of all the Word files in my documents folder. In the bad old DOS days, I would simply type: DIR *.DOC > LPT1