[[It’s only about the way scientists express themselves in scientific writing.]]
Lol- how they ‘express themselves’- that’s precious
[[That statement reveals the scorn so many creationists have for education, hard work, and experience, an attitude I’m always disappointed to see on a conservative forum.]]
Ahhhh yes- the scorn Creationists have- FR has exposed the compelte contempt that sites liek TO and DC and other ‘science’ sites have towards Christians, but when a Christian points out hte blatant attempts by scientists to divert attention away from the central issues being discussed, we’re labelled as ‘scornful’ lol You betcha- Whatever Hahaha
[[I can only guess that the “unwarranted assumptions” accusation refers to the words “paragneiss” and “highly metamorphosed sediments.”]]
Nope sorry- it was explained to you why- you conveniently ignored the explanation apparently, and just wish to further argue somethign beyond what was actually discussed- have fun arguing with yourself
[[I doubt either you or WC have any idea why geologists decided those rocks are what they say.]]
Don’t bet the farm on that little assumption- as mentioned, it was already pointed out to you why and how the critics were INTENTIONALLY obscuring the main points- but whatever- you just keep tryign to nitpick where no meat is left to pick from- again- you’ll be arguign with yourself- not goign to play your usual silly games while you pretend to bwe ‘dissappointed’ at Creationists and pretend to be ‘objective’ which you most certainly are not
I cannot for the life of me see what's funny about that. Do you ever read anything the least bit technical or specific to a certain field? Oh wait, yes you do. Is there some reason it's funnier for scientists to use words like "paragneiss" than for creationists to use words like "holobaramin"?
Nope sorry- it was explained to you why
I think I must have intruded on a discussion you're having with the voices in your head, for which I apologize. I've only been talking about that three-sentence paragraph complaining about the sentence with the big words. No one has explained what the unwarranted assumptions were in that sentence.