I can see for companionship but why must everything have to be about sex? This country is sick.
Agreed. Why is everything sexualized in some way. So now we are supposed to be liberal and open and tolerant of women leaving oppressive relationships with men and finding their new found freedom with loving women. Sheesh.........
Breakdown of the Traditional Family....
Yep it is sick and it is likely to get sicker. I read about this kind of thing in the early 90s so this isn’t new research. The activists just were trying their best to sell the idea that they were born homosexual so the science didn’t matter but it never does with the left. Homosexuals and their cohorts are still just as screwed up as studies prior to the 70s showed them to be. The difference is they have succeeded through a combination of pornography encouraging acceptance of lesbianism by men, feminism offering up rhetoric aimed at making women more hostile to men, and activism aimed to shape attitudes based on emotionalism rather than reason.
I really hate the left and stuff like this reminds me exactly why. They and their cohorts have managed to nearly destroy the greatest nation on earth. They have compromised our morality and sense of personal dignity and thoroughly corrupted ideas about freedom and responsibility. They are digging a grave for America.
I know what you mean deannadurbin. You and Judy Garland were big pals but you never would have gone for this.