Hep C? Lookup "Opaline Oxy" tablets, I take them for Morgellons. Here's a testimony from their site:
"In 1996 during major back surgery which included bone transplants and blood transfusions I contracted Hepatitis C. My liver Dr. said my Hep-C was 4 times higher than normal and they wanted to start interferon treatments. The Dr. mentioned that 40% of Hep-C patients recovered but no one knew why. I began taking the OPALINE DRY OXY capsules 3 times per day to detoxify my liver and body. My test 6 months later showed my liver damage had dropped from a 4 to ¼ of 1. All my liver pain went away and I continue to take the OPALINE DRY OXY capsules regularly even today and feel great."
Bayfield, Colorado
Opaline Solutions
There is no chlorine involved in this product, it is pure oxygen ...