The advances made by creation scientists over the last century, without the benefit of the 6-figure salaries given to the evo-scammers by their gubmint beneficiaries through their whole careers, are nothing short of amazing. Folks like Pitman (and Humphreys and Walt Brown and many others) have advanced the cause of true science in leaps and bounds working only in their spare time (while still financially taking care of their families), without the benefit of multi-million dollar lab equipment (most of which runs on materialistic assumptions of its own, but that's another story...)
He shows in airtight form that evolution couldn't have happened over trillions of years to produce the biodiversity we see today. Instead, we see variations within fixed, carefully delineated baramins, consisting of change from at most a few thousand "kinds" over the last couple thousand years since the Flood, preceded by a mixed fossil record that shows no discernible pattern whatsoever, despite the claims of "careful layering" asserted by the evo-scammers.
That the Lord could have so carefully planned and front-loaded the potential for change within the human baramin, ape baramin, cat baramin, lizard baramin, bacteria baramin, snake baramin, etc. etc. etc. to adapt to the aftermath of a worldwide cataclysm is yet another testament to His wisdom, foresight and creative power. Creation science is truly amazing.
Praise be to Him!