Taking to the streets won't garner much attention, easily ignored; see Tea Party results. If it comes to enough folks actually taking to the streets, O and his loyal jackboots will cause violence to break out and then the Government jackboots will slaughter people in the streets. It will certainly take God's divine power to avoid this, but I KNOW we as a country DO NOT DESERVE His intervention. Still I pray, but my gut tells me the ending to this America we live in is near; and ANY fight for it will result in B.I.T.S. I'm saddened but ready.
I too fear God’s chastisement is upon us, but He usually chastises His people to wake them up.
This may just be a wake up call. His Word warned the ancient Israelites against complacency, so I don’t suppose He condones ours. We need to stand firm.
I’m not so sure the Tea Parties didn’t help. These things tend to grow over time and more are planned around July 4th, in addition the the Million Man march in DC 9/11-12/09. We need a many pronged plan, but I certainly wouldn’t discourage people from taking to the streets!