If all the ice caps melt the seas are supposed to rise like 2 or 3 feet worldwide, right?
Well, if 20% of the ice caps have melted wouldn’t there be a 4 to 6 inch rise in the oceans already?
It hasn’t happened yet.
Already flaoting ice melting has no effect on sea levels. It’s the mile thick ice over land which could raise the sea levels if it were added to the oceans. ... Fill a glass with water and ice then cover it with plastic wrap to prevent evaporation. When the ice melts the water level doesn’t change dramatically (actually goes down a fraction).
**It hasnt happened yet.**
I have a 1 liter bottle here that was half full ICE .. rest water... had the screw top on. Ice has now melted and the plastic bottle is now TRIANGLE SHAPED... remove the screw top .. bottle round again and water level is 3/8 Inch LOWER..
YO ALBORE .. wanna EXPLAIN THIS????? moron