This is completely bizarre. How in HELL could we have missed this?
I also read the stories at the time about the passport shennanigans, and a number of later stories as well, some of which suggested that the people involved were actually connected with and probably working for Obama, and possibly ensuring that his passport information would NOT get out.
I can’t believe that no one made the connection with this guy’s murder. This really is shades of Vince Foster.
My first thought was that maybe the date was misprinted in the Washington Times, and it should have read 2009 instead of 2008. But if so, then it was also misprinted in the police report. Could that be possible? Somebody should get in touch with someone working at the Washington Times and check it out, if possible.
You didn't. This story was deliberately sat on.
Barry’s supposed gay lover in Chicago was also shot near a church, wasn’t he?