To: manc
Should the United States Government oppose Israel or “confront” them in a way that endagered their very existence, that would be the LAST mistake our nation would make. The hand of God has remained on our nation — despite MANY offenses to Him — BECAUSE we’ve been a protector and friend to Israel. If we turn our backs on them, God will take His hand off us — and woe be unto us then...
39 posted on
04/07/2009 9:01:13 PM PDT by
patriot preacher
(To be a good American Citizen and a Christian IS NOT a contradiction. (
To: patriot preacher
None are so blind as those that will not see.
Obama and his handlers and lackeys are blind to the truth you posted.
We think zots here at FR are damaging, wait until Obama gets his from up on high.
43 posted on
04/07/2009 9:09:22 PM PDT by
(Qui non intelligit, aut taceat, aut discat)
To: patriot preacher
Should the United States Government oppose Israel or confront them in a way that endagered their very existence, that would be the LAST mistake our nation would make. The hand of God has remained on our nation despite MANY offenses to Him BECAUSE weve been a protector and friend to Israel. If we turn our backs on them, God will take His hand off us and woe be unto us then... Very true statement indeed. Israel does not exist because the United States supports it. Israel exist because GOD Almighty has promised it. Israel was reborn in a day because GOD promised it. He also promises to punish those who do her harm and history shows that to be very true indeed.
66 posted on
04/08/2009 12:54:55 AM PDT by
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