Well, add Vermont to the list of useless states I won’t spend any money in again.
Wouldn’t expect anything different from Vermont. Too bad such a beautiful state has to be infected with socialists.
not surprising the homo’s have been invading that state for years.
They now Will move their money to other states and pick those states off
ME, NH,NY, NJ, RI,IL,Ohio, WA,OR,CO, all take note
homo’s coming to a state near you
no matter how may states they get it in which will never be mine then AI along with my kids will never accept them as married nor are they normal
I would like to see polygimists get their marriage in those states now
hey why not, lets see if the liberals and homo’s think that religious group should have their marriage and so called rights
Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa and Vermont ain’t exactly the creme of the crop. Three of them you’d expect this BS from and the other one had the general will of their people denied by, yet again; judges.
..Anyone else still want to insist that we don’t need a constitutional amendment?
This looks like the MO of the gay marriage activists:
1. Have gay marriage put on the ballot.
2. Ignore the results if they don’t go your way, throw a fit.
3. Take your case to the legislature, where it’s legalized anyway. Screw the people!
4. Gay marriage legalized. Those silly citizens, thinking they had a say... Checkmate!
notice now one state has voted FOR homo’s to be married.
that is because the majority of folk do not think it is normal for a man to poke another man up the arse or a woman wear a strap on pretending to be a woman.
not normal and not natural, so for those homo’s reading this.
you are certainly not accepted nor are you normal, you can pretend you are married but you are far from the truth.
If what you do is your business then stop the freak parades, stop telling us that you like to poke men up the arse or wear a strap on, stop telling us how you have special rights when you clearly do not according to the constitution
Will you homo’s back that marriage and say it is their right.
Only until those groups do this then people will wake up and say enough is enough,
one man and woman is marriage , nothing else is close to marriage
for the record to you homo’s I ma not old nor am I religious, I just think you are mentally perverted and sick and guess what so does most folk so stop trying to say it is only religious types against you
Looks like the activists’ goal of gay marriage in al New England by 2012 may happen sooner than that.
The next step, BTW, is a federal lawsuit under the “full faith and credit” clause to require all states to recognize the gay marriages performed in those states where it is legal.
And, IMO, they have a decent case under the Constitution.
This is all according to the “New England Project” that the gays launched years ago as a springboard to national homo recognition.
Great... now we’re up to FOUR Gay States: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa and now Vermont. *barf*
All the folk in VT that think gay marriage doesnt effect them will learn differently when their kids schoolbooks have to be changed to insure that homo marriage is portrayed identically to real marriage.
The veto was poofterridden.
NOW can we clearly state the Federal Marriage Amendment is required.
Full Faith and Credit attacks are now a certaintly and it only takes ONE kook judge to force this on the whole country.
Simply boycott the states that allow the deviants to gain power over the asylum.
For anyone that believes the gays three main talking points,(it won’t be taught in schools,it won’t affect anyone else,it won’t affect churches or private organizations),here’s a few eye-opening links.(And there’s plenty more where these came from!)
http://www. undergroundjournal. net/igroops/theunderground/adminpages/Its-1984-In-Massachusett
Misery loves company.
Keep it up, the moral fiber of America MUST be destroyed. Get rid of all religion. Get it all done before the final act. Then grab the guns, welcome to Cuba and Venezuala folks and they did it without a fight. Brilliant on their part. The nation of sheep cooperated so nicely. Coup will be complete.