Mark Levin has the right take on this. We must resist statist expansion and tyranny. And call it out when we see it.
There are ALWAYS extremists exaggerating threats and making the Right sound kooky. In this case, Obama is the kook. The shoe fits. The chatter about him is not the problem. The tanking economy, the soaring deficits, and the threats to freedom from Obammunism are the problem. He is NOT a moderate reformer who won't be so bad.
The reasoning in the article is very sloppy. It sounds like liberal propaganda: "Republicans need to help Obama because he is a moderate whose ideas on Afghanistan aren't too bad." His ideas on the Constitution, the economy, taxation, abortion, and stem cell research funding ARE bad. Very bad. The worst we have EVER seen in our lifetime. Obammunism is a menace. Fouad Ajami was right when he compared the crowd adulation and swooning at Obama rallies to mob hysteria in Third World politics.
The author can see that far ahead, as can I. You can't, and repeat whatever the headlines scream about ephermal stuff that will be gone and over in a year's time. When you could be making an intelligent and principled case against Obama's expansion of government or inaction on Iran or whatever, instead you are betting the party and movement on a rhetorical overreach long-shot that doesn't have a chance in hell of materializing.
He's right, you're wrong, snap out of it.