time for a missle defense shield, got to stop them red chinese. we gave tehm the money and technology to build this stuff, stupid us.
yes a carreir might make 50 mph, not sure if all teh support ships that sail with it can do that speed, and a carrier must have them support ships for defence. Our carriers are not well armored, they are soft targets, scarey stuff. a missle at mach 10, even lacking a war head is a big deal.
now if we had them airplane based laser guns, to kill missles in flight, we might have a good chance at defence.
maybe teh ship based missle defences can help agisnt this kind of attack.
rotten commie chinese
Go back to DU troll.
This Chinese PR threat is nothing to worry about.
The North Korean ballistic missile they just launched probably hit mach 10 during re-entry.
Possible ChiCom Troll sighting at #9
ha ha ha... you actually think our ACCs are ‘soft targets’.. ever cross your mind that we let the ChiComs believe this missile could effect us, giving them a false sense of power? Remember the old rule, technology in the military is generally two decades ahead of where you think it is. Don’t think for a moment there aren’t defense contingencies built up for this.