Thread by Salvation.
KRAKOW, Poland, April 21, 2009 ( - During his Good Friday homily at Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, a Marian pilgrimage site near Krakow and home to a live dramatization of the Passion of Christ, Archbishop of Krakow Stanisaw Cardinal Dziwisz called on the over 150,000 faithful present to show courage and speak the truth in defense of the dignity of human life.
The Cardinal condemned abortion, euthanasia, common-law marriage, homosexual unions and in vitro fertilization.
Speaking to the thousands gathered for the Good Friday service around the Kalwaria Zebrzydowska monastery, Cardinal Dziwisz said that the attitude of Pilate, who knew the truth, but still condemned an innocent man, is still present in the political and social life of Poland. . .
Thread by me.
OVERLAND PARK, Kansas, April 21, 2009 ( - Bishop Robert Finn of the diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph issued a powerful call to action to pro-lifers at the 2009 Gospel of Life Convention on Saturday. In his speech, Finn heavily criticized pro-abortion Catholic politicians who claim a "personal opposition" to abortion, stating that such persons are "warriors of death" who "have abandoned their place in the citizenship of the Church."
"As I speak a word of encouragement today I also want to tell you soberly, dear friends, 'We are at war!'" began Finn, who said that today's issues bring "an intensity and urgency to our efforts that may rival any time in the past."
The bishop warned that an empty version of the rhetoric of "tolerance" can come from people of all backgrounds, including Christians and Catholics: "The 'battle between believers,' who claim a certain 'common ground' with us, while at the same time, they attack the most fundamental tenets of the Church's teachings, or disavow the natural law - this opposition is one of the most discouraging, confusing, and dangerous," he said.
"Occasionally we still hear an elected official speak of his or her personal opposition to abortion, while they support the legal right to an abortion," he continued.
"We should be very clear: Such a person places him or herself completely OUTSIDE the moral framework, the moral imperative of Evangelium Vitae and other Church teaching on these issues. ... They have abandoned their place in the citizenship of the Church. Quite simply they have become warriors for death rather than life. . .