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Links: FR Index of his articles: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/keyword?k=victordavishanson
His website: http://victorhanson.com/
NRO archive: http://www.nationalreview.com/hanson/hanson-archive.asp
Pajamasmedia: http://victordavishanson.pajamasmedia.com/
Wow.... that was powerful!
Without a vision the people perish.
We have no leaders. Our national moral compass is broken and we are told we have no need to fix it. Therefore, chaos and it’s cousin, depression, follow.
When a leader begins to emerge, or if attempts are made to recalibrate our national moral compass we get a godless bloodletting from people demanding that we leave them alone and not impinge upon them in any way.
Frustration from a sense of total helplessness to make obvious course corrections results. Greater chaos naturally follows as a deeper national depression sets in, and the decent into depravity spins just a little faster now.
self ping for later...