Just who in the hell are these puppet masters?
He has already made the whole world mad. You, and a lot of people, don't seem to be able to accept this guy is a dysfunctional, narcissistic personality - a rogue nut acting on his own.
The puppet masters, if there are any, are the asylum inmates who voted for the SOB.
He has puppet masters like Hitler had them. He is just a lunatic acting aggressively upon his ivory tower delusions without regard to how they affect real people.
He has no class and is completely tone deaf when it comes to the clashing domestic social interests and foreign powers.
In short, he is the ultimate affirmative action poster boy who could always talk big but has never even run a hot dog stand.
There has never been a leader in the history of planet Earth more in over his head than this incompetent egomaniac, Obama. He loves BEING president but is completely unprepared for the job and its responsibilities.
Id be willing to bet that except for gold and silver -- Obamas key handler (Soros) is short every U.S. market and has his boy talking the markets down every day.
The puppet masters are the owners of the private companies that own the Federal Reserve. They have been preparing to destroy the U.S. (and world economy) for decades. The last President who had the guts to try and remove the Fed Reserve Bank with Executive Order 11110 was assasinated. I know I sound like a conspiracy kook - but info/facts are available. Bilderberg is involved too - why was Bill Clinton invited to a Bilderberg meeting in 1991? What had he accomplished to be among the shakers/movers at that meeting. Why was Obama and Hillary invited to a Bilderberg meeting in June 2008 in Chantilly VA and McCain was not?