I basically agree with you but the Feds and governments at all levels are usually responding to strong business interests. Which can be OK but not when you have very strong business interests in Wall Street who push NAFTA/GATT and who lobbied heavily (CitiBank and American Express) to repeal Glass Steagle
Yeah the lefties and multiKulties can dominate locally like where I live. All depends on the situation
I'd say, 'governments at all levels are usually responding to entrenched business interests. Which can be the corner hot dog stand that makes street vending illegal. That is not the purpose of American government. It exists for one purpose only: to preserve individual liberty.
There is conflict, naturally, but when that main goal is no longer served you no longer have an American Revolution. It is a return to some form of monarchy.
In our case a kleptocracy masked by the "Rule of Law".