According to this paradigm Geocentric Creationists are more devout and pious than Heliocentric Creationists.
Young Earth Creationists are more devout and pious than Old Earth Creationists.
Old Earth Creationists are more devout and pious than those that believe in “theistic” evolution.
Those that believe in “theistic” evolution are more devout than those that believe evolution is science and has little to do with faith in God.
So you see, it is impossible for them to acknowledge either of us as being Christians and accepting of scientific evidence, because by their “sliding scale of piousness” we are at the ‘extreme’ end of those who accept scientific evidence as completely compatible with Christian faith (as the majority of Christian denominations acknowledge).
Some seem to judge your Christianity on a sliding scale of how out of whack with reality your cosmological model is.
And liberals seem to think Christianity in the first place is that with which agrees with your sensibilites in scripture and you just get to reject the rest, as you see fit.