That's right. Prohibition failed because it wasn't a true prohibition. There were way too many loopholes.
Currently in Australia, the government is using prohibition in aboriginal territories to correct severe social problems with great success.
Baloney. Prohibition failed because Joe Kennedy, Al Capone, et al. found they could make lots of money violating it. Same with the goons currently providing truly prohibited marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine etc. to folks who want the stuff.
Good luck with prohibition among the Aborigines ... it works great in Indian reservations and Inuit villages. < snort >
I doubt prohibition for the entire country would work anywhere near as well.
The clarion call of Dems and libs is to control the behavior of people. Can't let them drink, can't let them smoke anything!!!!
Currently in Australia, the government is using prohibition in aboriginal territories to correct severe social problems with great success.”
So if we had have just done Prohibition right it would have worked? That's crazy. Things would have gotten worse and worse. Organized crime would have continued to grow more powerful. Their greed would have never stopped. They would have started pushing other drugs on alcohol users and we'd be talking about what a horrible gateway drug alcohol is. We'd have packed our prisons full of drinkers. Government corruption would have only gotten worse. The violence would have only gotten worse. Everything you see happening in the drug trade today would have happened back then. We only had a few years of Alcohol Prohibition and look at all the problems it caused us. Thank God you weren't running the show back then because you would have made it go on a lot longer and this country would have suffered a lot more. When your efforts didn't work, you'd say it's because we weren't cracking down enough and you'd crank it up a few more notches. This would go on until we resembled Chairman Mao's China.
actually, it is NOT prohibition there...It is welfare given to areas that don’t condone alcohol. Plus they have MASSIVE education/preventive and treatment programs way wya wya out of proportion to what we do.
"Communism is perfect! The only problem is that no nation so far has practiced true Communism!"
Man, rarely has a handle been more apropos -- only someone who's been living in a cave on the moon could be so out of touch with reality here on earth.