I think your idea is a great one. I also called the Senator next door to Collins to ask them to please walk down to Collins office to mention to them that American citizens can’t get through to her office.
For example,
Senator Collins is at (202)224-2523
The next Senator listed on this website is Senator Conrad. So, I called Senator Conrad’s office. I asked them to walk down to Senator Collins office to let them know people are havinig hard time getting through. Senator Conrad’s office was willing. We would probably be better off letting other Republicans Senators know so they can place the pressure.
Good job. I thought of the same thing. We should call our senators and let them know three of their buddies aren’t picking up. We are concerned maybe their phone lines have been cut, their email system hijacked, their staff aides are taking an 8 hour lunch, or worse, they’re passed out on the floor. We are REALLY concerned something is wrong in these three senators’ offices. If enough people call their senators about the other three with humorous concerns......eventually the message will get back to Snowe/Collins/Specter.