Ready for a new Sagebrush Rebellion?
Some Utahns apparently are.,5143,705283052,00.html
The Sagebrush Rebels ride again
the “War on the West” being waged by an unholy alliance of environmentalists.
They new guys in DC suspended the leases.
The real question here is why. This is to reduce our oil production to put us at the mercy of those who funded his campaign. (foreign)
Bill Clinton did the same thing with Coal reserves. For the same reason, he was paid-off.
These lefties intend to make us all Dhemi’s, and subjects of a world government. I will draw my last breath opposing this.
Some Utahns apparently are.,5143,705283052,00.html
It is time for Utah to take actions.
In 1992 Utah which had the lowest pro-Clinton vote in the nation, 25%, was Utah.
1996 Clinton takes revenge:
''I feel like I'm back in the 1850's again, with the Federal Government encamped all around us,'' Chris Cannon, the denim-jacketed candidate, says in a television commercial as he leads his horse through sagebrush that resembles parts of the newly created 2,700 square mile (1.7 Million acre) Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. ''Now Clinton takes our land.''
November, 2008 was Utah a red state?
WASHINGTON, DC, February 4, 2009 (ENS) - Sales of oil and gas leases on 77 parcels of land (Covering 132,000 acres) near national parks and monuments in Utah were halted today by Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. The parcels were auctioned by the Bureau of Land Management in December 2008.
Obama takes revenge in 2009?