What was the shoddy treatment, save and except the fact that Caroline wasn’t actually chosen for the post? The Kennedy clan needs to accept that Caroline herself was her own worst enemy and least articulate spokesperson.
"He asked her to lie!"
Reading between and taking a WAG: Paterson informed Sweet Caroline at the start she had no chance, but he would hold off announcing his actual pick to give her time to withdraw "for personal reasons".
When she was too stupid to take the suggestion, details of her suitabilty for the job may have been mentioned by sources not necessarily unconnected with the Governor.
Don’t forget her qualifications! Her maiden name is “Kennedy”! She raised some kids and had a couple books published. Isn’t that enough to be a Senator nowadays?
She’s suffered many personal losses in her life, and I feel a sense of compassion for her because of that. I feel sorry for her now because someone put her up to this. It’s like she was taking orders.