For an example of what God does to nations that enjoy His blessings only to turn their collective backs on them, I recommend the ping-pong-like example demonstrated by the Jews in the Penteteuch, Judges, Samuel I & II, Kings I & II, and Chronicles I & II. The apocryphal histories of the revolt of the Macabees, coupled with the falling away and legalism of the saducees and pharisees in the intertestamentary period and in the New Testament also provide great examples.
And it's not just the Jews -- it's all of us. If you're asking what God is doing, you have to admit the possibility that President Zero and his Merry Band in Congress are God's punishment on our nation for collectively ignoring and denigrating him at every opportunity in our modern culture.
Or alternatively, that a big chunk of the voting age population of our country consists of totally f*n clueless morons.