But with regard to Obama's birth certificate, there are two aspects - one concerning facts which can be sought out by any Christian but the other is a matter of federal law. I don't speak "legalese."
I don’t speak “legalese.”
***In such a situation you would not have to. The dispute is over whether or not the Obama Eligibility Issue is a Tinfoil Hat Conspiracy Nonsense or a Legitimate Constitutional Issue. All you’d need is common sense to arrive at a decision. If it needed someone who spoke legalese, I wouldn’t even be involved in the dispute. At any rate, mlo has delivered crickets on the proposal.
In the spirit of reaching a biblical accord over this issue, I will be generating a response to the credibility of Certifigate with respect to Star Traveler’s post on Alien Abductions...
Alien Abductions Stopped By the Name of Jesus Christ....
Thursday, January 15, 2009 6:29:27 PM · 172 of 172
Star Traveler to Kevmo
Ill put the last one first...
You asked Its a simple question. Yes or no.
Hey, whenever have I answered a simple yes or not... :-)
Now for the question you wanted to know about Are you of the same opinion that its okay to generate cannon fodder for those organizations when we are defending the constitution over Certifigate?
NOW..., this is the question that pertains to you and some other FReepers, mainly. Its precisely these types of discussions where there is no evidence, where even President Bush, himself, has refused to prosecute because he has seen there is no evidence of a problem, where our own leaders dont go down this track, because they know that theres nothing there its all this that *actually* gives cannon fodder to outsiders...
I would think that someone who says (like I do, too...) Let create a state law that vets Presidential Candidate properly, and weve got one bill going in Oklahoma right now is a statement that is *rational*.
Now, between the idea that all the conservative media outlets, all the Republican leaders, even the Supreme Court, and also the Electoral College, and even Vice President Cheney want to do nothing to challenge Obama *that* is definitely cannon fodder to be sure...
So, if I were you I would reduce the cannon fodder that youre giving to others that can be used against Free Republic.... (that is..., if youre really concerned about cannon fodder).
However, as far as Im concerned (and in line with *this topic* that we were discussing, before you brought this into this particular thread) I *do know* that liberals who are against God in our country and want to remove God from everything and dont want morals from what God says or our Christian heritage here in this country yes they *will use* any references to the Bible and/or Jesus sayings, and/or any idea that one presents about Creation all as cannon fodder. That *is* a given because they are fools, those who deny our Creator God. So, thats too bad for them.
However, on your part, I dont see the real basis for what youre saying and doing since I have seen no legal and court evidence to back up anything that youve said. I see only *strong opinion* so strong that anyone who disagrees with you is a troll or a disruptor or whatever other name comes up at the moment ...
Yall got a big problem there, I would say...
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