The poster is making—without stating it openly, —the specious argument that it doesn’t matter if 67 million people were scammed into voting for an ineligible candidate, by getting so many to vote for him the law should be set aside in favor of his illicit acts being deemed licit by mob rule. It is a sycophant’s favorite argument to shut down discussion and is never openly stated. Such posters have no credibility beyond casual observation since they are advocating government by mob rule, kind of like lions discussing with the lamb what will be for dinner.
by getting so many to vote for him the law should be set aside in favor of his illicit acts being deemed licit by mob rule.
***I see that, but what I don’t see is why Free Republic, JimRob, the mods, et al haven’t ripped up these poseurs to shreds? WTF happened? They’re OBVIOUS freeping trolls, and they’re allowed, perhaps even encouraged, to frolic. It just doesn’t make any freeping sense.