He wouldn't say much but he did admit he thought 'something' would happen in 2009, perhaps before the inauguration.....but he was making the correlation of '93 to 2001/eight years......2001 to 2009/eight years.
I met a CIA employee last fall, not a spook, but other, he almost slipped when explaining why most agencies are moving outside of DC, MILES outside of DC
when we parted, I made my usual macho comment, WHEN IN DOUBT, EMPTY THE MAGAZINE
he smi9led, said he did time in the sandbox
I also said stock up on food and water
he looked at me quite serious, and said MAKE SURE THAT WATER WILL STORE RIGHT!!
I responded to just keep it out of sunlight, he nodded and said he has a little stored up for food and water
Some people here think that reporting a threat is equivalent to predicting a threat and time and place