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Frightening Text Messages Being Forwarded Around NY Jews:EXCLUSIVE FREEPER UPDATE INCLUDED
Yeshiva World News ^
| Jan 2, 2009 and Jan 5, 2009
| Yehuda Drudgestein - YWN
Posted on 01/05/2009 4:12:38 PM PST by RaceBannon
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To: Crystal Cove
posted on
01/05/2009 7:38:36 PM PST
(When will Bill Ayers start bombing buildings again?)
To: RaceBannon
posted on
01/05/2009 7:40:29 PM PST
To: PennsylvaniaMom
Thanks for the info Race.
January 6th is the Feast of the Epiphany.
posted on
01/05/2009 7:42:47 PM PST
(I have a Pal in Sarah)
To: freeperfromnj
What’s your take on the level of security around the city?
To: RaceBannon
Race, I don’t know anyone in NYC except you, so the only thing I can do is keep you and all NYC in my prayers. Be careful.
posted on
01/05/2009 7:45:10 PM PST
Okay, then why make the distinction if the fact isn’t relevant or is coincidental? If they woman was a black Baptist or a white Catholic, is that supposed to connote something else?
posted on
01/05/2009 7:47:18 PM PST
(The more cynical you become, the better off you'll be.)
To: RaceBannon
I appreciate your coming forward with your personal experiences through people you know, and the other information. Whether it was a hoax by taxi drivers, or a real threat which is prevented, or something happens, we may not know (except for the third possibility).
It makes me ashamed that so many members here are trashing you like this.
Other freepers who may learn about possible threats from people they know will think twice about posting anything after seeing the offensive treatment you’re receiving.
posted on
01/05/2009 7:47:45 PM PST
little jeremiah
(Leave illusion, come to the truth. Leave the darkness, come to the light.)
To: Palladin; Ron Jeremy
Thanks for the info. It is a serious issue. We know the bloodlust of demon possessed mooselimbs is hot and screaming for satiation, it just remains to be seen how they will try to sate it. Mooselimbs are primitives living in the modern era. I wonder what Margaret Meade would think of these bloodsuckers?... Retrogressed from Neanderthals?
posted on
01/05/2009 7:47:48 PM PST
(Believing they cannot be deceived, they cannot be convinced when they are deceived.)
To: combat_boots
In Sanskrit, “asura” means “demon” or literally, “ungodly”. Interesting.
posted on
01/05/2009 7:53:31 PM PST
little jeremiah
(Leave illusion, come to the truth. Leave the darkness, come to the light.)
To: little jeremiah; RaceBannon
I agree little jeremiah. Not only is it disrespectful of the author but it discourages others from passing on information.
Some freepers just want to be critical. Remember the threads last year predicting the housing crisis. Some freepers totally trashed those who had first hand knowledge of the mortgage situation and were warning of the foreclosure problems.
To: RaceBannon
Never, EVER, buy bagels made by hairy muslims.
Just sayin'.....................
posted on
01/05/2009 7:55:42 PM PST
(A modern so-called "Conservative" is a shadow of a wisp of a vertebrate human being.)
To: Tennessee_Bob
you know I cant give you names
but, you say you know these people, ask them yourself
did they receive specific incidents of persons telling this story, with cab numbers?
I can confirm what I was told if my friend is willing to talk
but call your friends and tell them what I wrote and ask if any reports came in
remember, I did not speak of the texting, but the cabbies, and some influential people reported it to my friend and Police
posted on
01/05/2009 7:55:57 PM PST
(We have sown the wind, but we will reap the whirlwind. NObama. Not my president.)
To: justa-hairyape
Well—it seems to have “come up” in a lot of many people did these cabbies give this message to?
posted on
01/05/2009 7:55:59 PM PST
(Outlaw gun free zones!)
To: Cementjungle
I doubt any Muslim in the know would warn a Jewish woman. You may doubt. Others may not.
Opinions are like posteriors.....everyone has one, many of them smell bad.
posted on
01/05/2009 7:59:52 PM PST
(A modern so-called "Conservative" is a shadow of a wisp of a vertebrate human being.)
To: RaceBannon
Orthodox Jews seem to be taking it very seriously. In light of the Gaza situation, Hamas sympathizers in NYC may want to do more than just wave signs and shout outside the Israeli Embassy.
posted on
01/05/2009 8:00:09 PM PST
(When will Bill Ayers start bombing buildings again?)
To: FReepaholic’ve had too much to drink. Take a nap.
posted on
01/05/2009 8:02:45 PM PST
(A modern so-called "Conservative" is a shadow of a wisp of a vertebrate human being.)
To: basil
They apparently have Ashura processions around the world on that holiday. This year it will be on January 7th. Last year they actually had a procession in New York in January. A rather graphic video with blood is linked below from You Tube. Viewer beware.
Ashura New York January 2008
To: Palladin
For fanatics to stab someone to death for daring to "disrespect" their moon-god's pedophile "prophet", there can never be too much of a stretch for anything they'd do.
I'd say that the Left and jihadists, both violent creatures at heart, would do anything to inflict pain, damage and death should they feel the urge.
posted on
01/05/2009 8:10:40 PM PST
(A modern so-called "Conservative" is a shadow of a wisp of a vertebrate human being.)
To: PennsylvaniaMom
Is not January 6 the 12th day of Christmas?
To: dynachrome
The key will be how many muzzie cab drivers are on vacation starting Tuesday... Our anti-terrorists units should watch for unusual patterns like cab drivers not showing up for work - etc.
posted on
01/05/2009 8:14:44 PM PST
(GM's market value is a third of Bed, Bath and Beyond. Why is GM "too big to fail"? Steyn)
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