Our city is gone already. Coleman and his City Politburo of appointees( is there even ONE elected city council member today?) have handed it over to the Mexicans, Somalis and Obamites.
“Our city is gone already. Coleman and his City Politburo of appointees( is there even ONE elected city council member today?) have handed it over to the Mexicans, Somalis and Obamites. ‘”
I have only been here in the Worthington/Westerville area for about two years. I am very confused about how city government works. My area of Worthington is, technically (I’m told), part of Columbus...city services, etc. I’m not sure if there are elected Mayors and city councils for the suburbs, or, do all the suburbs fall under the City of Columbus for elected leadership and laws? How does Franklin County fit in? Can you give me a brief overview?