To: jveritas
Yeah, the pray for obama threads are a little too much as well. I can understand praying for your enemies, though.
6 posted on
12/25/2008 1:34:39 PM PST by
("First you want to kill me, now you want to kiss me. Blow!" - Ash)
To: randomhero97
“pray for obama threads”
Please tell me you are kidding?
To: randomhero97
Well I CERTAINLY Do NOT want him to succeed at his policy goals, however I AM commanded to pray for him in 1 Timothy!
124 posted on
12/25/2008 2:31:21 PM PST by
(Like the failed promise of Fascism masquerading as Capitalism? You're gonna love Marxism- Nephi)
To: randomhero97
I don’t believe it’s possible to hate, loathe and despise someone and pray for him at the same time. I tried it at midnight mass in the spirit of Christmas and it was a dismal failure. It made me feel that I was hypocritical and making a mockery of the process. I prayed that our precious country might survive him instead.
454 posted on
12/26/2008 1:05:09 PM PST by
(Jingoism is no vice.)
To: randomhero97; Salamander
" I can understand praying for your enemies, though."
I pray that they will find eternal salvation through the grace of God's Apokatastasis after they have failed miserably in implementing their Communist agenda in this life.
491 posted on
01/02/2009 3:57:13 AM PST by
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