To: jveritas
We on FR want the nation to succeed during the Obama years, but we don’t want Obama’s politics to succeed.
3 posted on
12/25/2008 1:33:32 PM PST by
(If greed is a virtue, than corporate socialism is conservative)
To: Clintonfatigued
Exactly but I am afraid that with socialism, liberalism and defeatism we are go to see disasters and not success.
17 posted on
12/25/2008 1:38:28 PM PST by
(God Bless President Bush and our brave troops)
To: Clintonfatigued
68 posted on
12/25/2008 2:00:16 PM PST by
To: Clintonfatigued
We on FRThere is no WE in FR.
108 posted on
12/25/2008 2:18:39 PM PST by
(Free Venezuela!)
To: Clintonfatigued
We on FR want the nation to succeed during the Obama years, but we dont want Obamas politics to succeed.
Exactly, I’ve seen Obama’s politics active in socialist countries and I will fight tooth and nail to keep our markets free and our health care NOT socialized in any way, shape or form!
132 posted on
12/25/2008 2:37:34 PM PST by
(Save Free Speech, defeat the Fairness Doctrine)
To: Clintonfatigued
We on FR want the nation to succeed during the Obama years, but we dont want Obamas politics to succeed.
Unfortunately, if the nation succeeds despite Obama and the democrats, Obama and the democrats will take the credit for all the success and the dimwit electorate who voted them in 2006 and 2008 will believe that the credit does belong to Obama and the democrats and we'll get another 6 years of democrats in congress, and another 4 years of Obama after 2012.
The same kind of thing happened during the Clinton years when Clinton took the credit for the good economy given to him by the republicans in congress.
159 posted on
12/25/2008 2:56:58 PM PST by
To: Clintonfatigued
“We on FR want the nation to succeed during the Obama years, but we dont want Obamas politics to succeed.”
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