Posted on 12/25/2008 1:29:51 PM PST by jveritas
Excellent point however some on this forum are seeing him as a Centrist and of course very few idiotic pundits who claim to be on our side are saying the same.
Bless you cajungirl.
I'm a bit perplexed by some FReepers here lately to telling us they want to root out the "0bama trolls"
Being that it is Christmas, I'm playing nice today.(plus I'm working too)
Merry Christmas
Good Grief!
"Hope" in one hand and "poop" in the other and see which one gets filled first!
No, the courts haven’t, jveritas.
There are cases pending in multiple jurisdictions, with a case in California from Alan Keyes as well as multiple opportunities for cases for review before the US Supreme Court in the first two weeks of 2009.
Obama does not want America to succeed in the way you are thinking.
His agenda is to turn us into a total socialist state
and worse. I was in East Germany in the 1980s, I know
how bad it can get.
What leads you to believe this man is a “centrist”?
“Was Truman and socialist, a left wing liberal, and a defeatist? the answer is NO.”
As I understand it, FDR picked Truman because he had a reputation for fighting corruption. FDR had to replace his communist (literally) VP Wallace and Truman was a poster boy for clean politics.
Unlike Big O, Truman had a record of accomplishing something in his career.
Obama is actually the judgement of God upon this nation. God often gives a nation over to their evil ways by giving them exactly what their evil ways produce. That’s Obama...
You disagree with me and fearlessly predict the future and end up insulting me by referring to my view as thinking the world is full of “gumdrop smiles”,,,this does not advance your argument.
He may be bought and paid for but he is president and that is a whole new ball game.
THe real world is political for him now and he will do nothing to keep himself from serving two terms. That is no gumdrop smiley faced world. ANd this country is not defeated in my opinion.
With ya.
Chris is too busy protecting us from imagining the new Charlatan-in-Chief's entire life is logical and explicable.
The day the Black Helicopters DO descend upon us in full view is the day he explains, "Gee - aren't they rather large for crows??"
I’ll pretty much agree with you on that one. Well said.
Why is the man refusing to present his birth certificate to assure Americans he is lawfully eligible to be President? A few months back I would have agreed with you now because of his continued refusal something is definitely not right. It makes any sane American THINK he is either NOT a US Citizen or he is not a natural born citizen. If both of these thoughts are incorrect then why oh why for his refusal to present that BC?
I agree with many of his points but he ends calling for troll hunting and banning posters,,,purging.
I hate the purges around here,,they end up sending off longtime posters who have been valued.
When a poster does a vanity and ends calling for a purge, it makes me very angry.
We had two choices, McCain or Obama.
Most of us who voted for McCain did not like all of his views but better that than a full blown Marxist
Those still fighting McCain don’t seem to care what Obama is doing and will do. You are swating at flies while a
tornado is aiming at you.
I mean no offense, but like I said in another post everyone was big on the saying “appeasement is defeatism.” If we give them an inch they will take a mile.
Centrism is code speak for liberalism unless one is a liberal then it’s code speak for conservatism. I will never support it.
May be you need to call for purging the original poster. Your emotions are blinding you from seeing the simple facts and truth. You want to dream that Obama is not going to be a socialist and a defeatist who has been all his life then please feel free to do so.
Keeping with the spirit of policy based criticism, I will give credit where credit is due if O does the right thing/s (which I seriously doubt). Remember Rush Limbaugh himself said a few weeks ago that he would be O’s biggest champion if he cut taxes, etc (which again he seriously doubted)
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