Agreed on all counts. Term limits will not turn dishonest people into good people. The State of SD instituted term limits and found that all it did was hinder the work of the legislature because of the inexperience of the new legislators, and now the very conservative individual that spearheaded the fight for term limits, is very sorry that it passed.
True, besides there have been some really good long time congressmen. Maybe term limits on senators would be better since they’re the ones who seem most willing to betray the people once they take office.
Precisely. San Antonio, many years ago, instituted the most severe term limits for it's city council that are the most draconian in the country. The end result was that a city councilperson is nothing more than a ceremonial position. The city is run 100% by a completely unaccountable city staff. WHen a councilperson calls a department to do something for a constituent, the attitude in the department is "I wish he/she would quit calling me!" Council gets a several hundred page document to vote on the day of the council meeting and city staff knows full well they've buried crap deep inside it that cannot be found before the vote is ramrodded through.
Sorry, it's too late to warn about getting me started on term limits. I'm about to get on a roll!
This is a certain indication that government has become way too complicated. IF an informed elected official cannot make a right and wrong decision with a support staff to do the leg work, then things are out of whack something seriously. There is absolutely no reason an individual would need any kind of government experience in order to serve as a Congressman.