“We usually call such people nerds.”{
I’d call you a nitwit. Your entire response is little more than an emotional outburst, and doesn’t address any of the really determining factors: why did the rescuer put the victim down “next to the car” if the reason for her instant action was fear of explosion? Did she attempt to communicate with the victim before moving her? What did the other three people present say, or recommend, or do, or not do?
This should have given you a clue about what I really think about government certification for any and every service:
“I dont care who cuts your hair or does your nails.”
>>why did the rescuer put the victim down next to the car if the reason for her instant action was fear of explosion? Did she attempt to communicate with the victim before moving her? What did the other three people present say, or recommend, or do, or not do?<<
The reason your argument looks so foolish is that none of these things should matter. When someone is trying to rescue another, you have to give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to what was going on in their mind and just how well informed they are. Otherwise you will end up killing thousands by striking fear in the heart of any would be rescuer. Don’t you see that basic point???