He has spent somewhere around $1mil using 3 law firms fighting against showing his long form birth certificate. The only BC he has shown was on his DailyKos web site and it was proven a forgery by no less than 3 experts. His word means nothing either.
You said — “He has spent somewhere around $1mil using 3 law firms fighting against showing his long form birth certificate. The only BC he has shown was on his DailyKos web site and it was proven a forgery by no less than 3 experts. His word means nothing either.”
I’ve tried to get this information on how much was spent on any of these cases and I can’t find anyone who can document this. I’ve heard assertions, but they were always absent any documentation or even any rationale. I would like to see that documentation that outlines who spent what and where...
I’ve seen a report from a paper that went to the extent of asking the State of Hawaii to *verify* that the copy that they received from Obama was *indeed* a true and correct copy. The answer they got back (from the State of Hawaii) was that it was.