I wanted Huckabee. I still like him but I realize he doesn’t stand a chance.
We need fresh blood.
How about John Thune? He is attractive and articulate, is a heartland kind of conservative and has a lovely family.
I voted for Huckabee - but now I am glad he didn’t get the nomination!
I like Huckabee - but he has the same problem as McCain - He cottons up to the liberals!
Have you see Huckabee’s show on Fox? There for a whle he had quite a few liberals - “to hear” their views! Including that disgusting, empty-headed Bill Maher! I’m tired of conservatives having to “hear the views” of liberals but not the other way around - they will not hear our views!
I’ve been saying this since Slick Willy was enjoying cigars in the Oral Office. How about JOHN ENSIGN??? He’s conservative to the core.