Sam, yours is an interesting post with many thoughts and ideas, I too have been wondering about. I have nothing solid to opine on at moment; but yes, I do hold segmentarian Conservatives partly responsible for our getting "Obama". We had many fine candidates on the original slate, but were handily disposed of in this forum (and elsewhere) for all kinds of superficial reasons, if not purposes. And the ones who did the most and biggest trashing seem to also be the ones whining the most and being vile about "president-elect" Obama.
The lefties aren't the only ones with an "anarchist" wing.
segmentarian Conservatives "Segmentarians!" I love it! (Stolen!)
Better than my previous favorite: "conservative inactivists"
And far better than the hack-job: "conservapurists"
Cheers! (as best as possible in this day and age!)