I have a story that trumps that.
“Fired by an Answering Machine”
During my 2nd stint as a Regional Sales Manager, I received a letter-of-termination from the home office for a “mature” salesman, but was told to hold off delivering it for a few days. No one told the computer guy to delay things, he had been instructed to change the answering machine reply on a given date.
One of the salesman’s “old” customers call and tried to leave a message for the salesman, and got a recording saying “ XYZ no longer works for ABC Co., please contact BlaBla at 800-???-??? for assistance”
The customer called the salesman at home and asked “have you been fired?” The salesman said I don’t think so. The customer said you should call your answering machine and check.
I wore my asbestos britches when I did deliver the severance letter. Never felt so bad about anything in my life. He probably still blames me for it, but I had absolutely nothing to do with the decision. But he worked for me.
This is what the world has evolved into. It was not intended to happen, but it did none the less.
de Texas Fossil
That was a fun explanation.
Needless to say, after clearing security, I headed to the nearest bar to wait for my flight. Used the company card too.
You'd think they could have waited til I got home. But what can you do, they have time frames to work with.