You know I have been thinking about it. He went to college in California and Conn.. Afterward, taking permanent residency in Ill.. Is there not investigator on par with the ones that investigated Joe the Plumber? Seems to me that someone could easily pull these records, right?
I mean we learned more about some guy I couldn’t care less about, in two days, than most of the public learned about a hande puppet. Don’t get me wrong I love Joe and give him kudos for asking Obama a question we all agree with especialy right there, in that venue.
He sure has a lot of acquaintences That are under investigation, have been arrested or gone to jail.
Maybe these Obama’s canaries and one these guys or gals will go states evidence and turn into a stool pigeon.
Hawaii, California, Connecticut, Illinois and something in Massachusets. Ports of entry when he traveled.
Agreed on all points. Most courts only have online records back to the middle 80’s. My guess is he would have changed his name around that time or in his early twenties. So, it is likely that this research requires on site review of indices and micro fiched news paper legal advertising. I am far far away form the hot zones on this one. Otherwise, I would have done it by now.