I have to admit there was still some small part of me that believed truth would conquer lies, good would conquer evil, right would conquer wrong. I know... I know, I should have forgotten all those silly ideas when more than half our country voted for Obama, but there you go.
I guess, now, all a Presidential candidate has to do to prove they’re eligible is to say they’re eligible, act huffy, and lawyer up when asked to prove it by citizens (those puny little people who obviously no longer matter AT ALL in what used to be America). Of course, this only goes for Socialist, politically correct candidates. Republicans have to have lived spotless, blameless lives, documented to the Nth degree.
There, fixed it.
I have to admit there was still some small part of me that believed truth would conquer lies, good would conquer evil, right would conquer wrong. I know... I know, I should have forgotten all those silly ideas when more than half our country voted for Obama, but there you go.
Yeah, guess God sees fit to judge America. Well now is the time for us bitter Americans to cling to our God and our guns.
It ain't over.
The case had nothing to do with Obama’s birthplace. It was about changing how a person is determined to be a natural born citizen. This was never going to work.