Yeah, whaddya think? A dozen? Dozen and a half?
While I (and quite a few others) believe this story has legitimacy, I have completely lost faith in any sane attempt by anyone in any position of power to do anything about it! I would have loved to have been there and to have been part of a HUGE crowd “acting up.” Folks have given up though and we feel it would have been a waste of time and money to travel to DC for this.
We are now at a point in this country in which the SCOTUS, even if they are shown irrefutible proof that this case is worth pursing, won’t do a damned thing for fear of the RIOTING and absolute HELL RAISING (and oh yes, there would be blood in the streets) that would ensue if BHO is found to be inelligible to be POTUS.
We are truly at a point in which “mob rules.”
Never mind what the constitution says or what proof is delivered. Fear the backlash.
The same thing is going to happen in CA over Prop 8.
Either the courts are going to overturn it or take some unconstitutional action against the will of the voters, OR, it will come up again in the next election and the one after that and the one after that until it is defeated.
now, that is funny....regardless of how anyone feels about this issue, you gotta admit your post was hularious.