He did (his campaign staffers)provided a digital image, hoping this would go away, it was revealed as a forged document on many different levels.
Incorrect Seal "for that particular year"
Missing Crease "top fold crease missing (tri fold) as to be placed in an envelope for mailing purposes.
Pixels (when viewed under digital enhancement) around the letters in the name are black & white not colored (no pun intended). paper is colored (pixels should be colored around letters)with print on top shows name on document was altered (forged)
Fuzzy Border. Real documents have a "crisp" border.
So what we have here is a "Fake president elect" only question now is is the U.S. Constitution fake? Will the Supreme Court uphold & defend the Constitution? Guess we'll find out on Friday. AND since Barry IS a fraud & willingly falsified documents will he be prosecuted & possibly spend some time in jail. I hope so.......
All Obama has to do is divulge his birth certificate. It sems obvious to me why he does not.Obvious and obviouser.