Is there no way some of the victims could not have fought back at various points? Knowing me, I'd probably panic even worse than most did, but I'd rather think something would kick in so I'd go down fighting back, try to catch them off guard, get their weapons, etc.
Obviously most had no chance when the gunman were at a distance and firing indiscriminately, but in closer quarters, etc., has none of our military never gotten out of such a situation using counterinsurgency tactics?
I think until a grenade pin is pulled, it won't necessarily hurt you, but still they are nothing to mess with. If they could have gotten one or more disarmed, maybe most people wouldn't know how to fire an AK-47.
If these reports are correct, it's shocking that only 10, granted heavily armed and well trained terrorists could kill so many and do so much damage in the process. I'm sure I'm being naive in my thinking, having never seen a weapon like that.