Here's an excerpt from one of the three "Hannity & Colmes" parodies I wrote way back in 1998, when regulars included Victor Kamber, Betsy McCaughey-Ross, Julianne Malveaux, etc.:
HANNITY: Victor, are you calling the murder of Vincent Foster an obscure technicality?
KAMBER: Alleged murder.
HANNITY: Web Hubbell produced an actual videotape of Bill Clinton shooting Foster in the head, blowing the smoke away from the gun barrel, and saying to the camera, "Thats how Cuomo and his goombas back east would have handled it"!
KAMBER: We dont know if that videotape is real.
HANNITY: Its been verified by seven independent investigators, the CIA, and the FBI. The president even called Mario Cuomo to apologize for the ethnic slur.
COLMES: Sean, you act as if Clintons the first president to kill anyone. What about Washington, Grant, Eisenhower, and Bush, to name a few?
HANNITY: They were soldiers for godsake! Its obviously not the same thing.
KAMBER: Youre just finding excuses for other presidents whove killed people.
CLIFT: Sean, can I interrupt? If the military werent so loathsome, Bill Clinton might have gone to Vietnam and done his killing in a way that you right-wing fanatics might have approved of!
COLMES: Ambassador Keyes, try to look at this video the way I look at this video - point your left eyeball straight ahead and your right eyeball at some ill-defined spot near the ceiling.
KEYES: Im sorry Alan, but my eyes are synchronized. I look at this video as an indelible indictment of our entire country. Liberals in congress and the media spend all their time trying to redirect the people from the main point. This murdering, marauding man we have in the White House is the most dangerous man in America. His actions are manifestly malignant and his supporters are coconspirators in the destruction of this once great nation.
COLMES: I fail to see how that exonerates Ken Starr. Betsy, I understand youve done a little research on impeachment law involving murder.
MCCAUGHY ROSS: Thats right Alan. Because I am a constitutional scholar, I was able to determine that the phrase "treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors" does not contain the word "murder". Even if you scramble the letters, you are still missing the "u"...
We oft-times forget the mental gymnastics and insanity of the Clinton defenders. How many times would there be Hannity clubbing away at the BS of Kamber, Lanny Davis, Clift, etal.
Your parady is pretty funny! Alan is always making excuses.