Indeed. Why schlep to the store, staring sideways at titles, and wait in line to pay, when I can order online, usually cheaper, and watch instantly on my apple tv? Additionally, online content doesn’t scratch or get lost or “borrowed” only never to be found again.
DVD’s are soon to become today’s beta’s and 8 tracks.
You have certainly articulate some great reasons for using on-line content instead of DVDs. Beta and 8 tracks went out of style mostly for technological reasons, and by that I mean a competing technology won out. I am not so sure, however, that the argument between DVD and on-line is going to be a technology driven decision by the consumer. Yes, they clearly are different technologies, but the real issue will be the business model. The market will chose the business model that has the most appeal to consumers, advertisers and movie makers. Technology will of course play a part, albeit a secondary part, in this choice.