You make my point.
You can’t legislate morality. But morality influences legislation.
What evangelicals would like is the legislation of morality. Ban abortion, ban homosexuality, etc, etc.
I don’t believe in either of those examples, but I’m not going to force my beliefs on those that believe otherwise... and I will fight to my last breath to stop others from forcing their beliefs on *ME*.
Remember that little phrase we were supposed to learn as kids? You know, I think it was called something... something like, oh! I remember... the GOLDEN RULE.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!”
Would you want liberals forcing *THEIR* beliefs on you? Then you shouldn’t be forcing yours on them!
I didn’t “make your point”. I refuted it absolutely. There is NO law with out a moral component. Legislators make laws. This is pretty simple stuff amigo. The juvenile, “you can’t legislate morality” is just that juvenile. It is what legislators do.