eyebrows wiggling
Just where on Pennsylvania is there a federal government office or even a cubicle entitled "The President-Elect"? Is there a spare gardener's shack or janitor's closet near the White House or on the Mall that could be used? A true Democrat cannot have any problem with such humble proletarian digs.
The Founding Fathers set up the Electoral College so that a direct vote would not be able to install a demogogue into the highest offices in the land. Now we read the incumbent President called a demogogue in the open, e.g. James Lewis at American Thinker. Also David Warren in Save Us who writes "Look at all the souls who gather in the mass rallies for this eloquent demagogue! We have seen this kind of thing so many times before in history."
Perhaps Obama wanted to do a run around against the Electoral College and the Constitution. Obama/Soetoro could be the demagogue the Founding Fathers were waiting for.